Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 58

OK, I admit it.  I have been very delinquent with the workouts.  Better with the diet, but by no means 100%.  We were lucky enough to attend an amazing wedding in Venice this weekend (reception in Palazzo Grassi, for those who care).  Got back to HK Monday night.  These kinds of intense trips with long haul flights followed by crammed schedules, make it very difficult (for me) to follow the routine.

The good news is that my weight loss has been good.  Am down to 77 from 84.  My goal is to get to 75, so  close.

For tomorrow, have set alarm so I can get up early to do work out.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Day getting long

Missed the workout today. Still doing well on the weight front: 83 to 78. Have to stay I'm losing momentum, though.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 25

Hi gang

My pattern is slowly but surely turning into workouts late in the evening. No time in the morning and too busy with kids and cooking. Coming home at night, difficult to workout while kids are still up, so end up doing workouts after dinner. As dinners are so light anyway, 1 hour later I feel ready to break a sweat.

Skipping definitely getting easier. Can do 100 jumps at a time fairly consistently now

65 more days to go!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 24

Got through the jump ropes pretty well today. I've been skipping on some really smooth tiles lately and the rope slips under my feet much better. I used to do it on a rough surface and the rope would get caught more often.

I am now 3.5 kilos down from the start which I'm very happy about. Keeping up roughly a kilo a week loss so far. I haven't weighed 79 in at least a couple of years.

Still very hungry at times during the day


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 18

Hi everyone! Is anyone reading this or is this mainly for my benefit? Anyway, thrilled that I can update my blog via my iPhone.

So today I got workout 18 done at night. Couldn't do it right after dinner (not that I was particularly full) so did it around 9pm. Tomorrow planning on getting up early for workout 19 (but that was what I told myself LAST might).

Getting used to the workouts (but no Patrick I am not slacking off). Just getting used to having to do them every day.

Food remains harder. I am still very tempted to have some sweet foods when I see some but have been very disciplined about that. Today, ate ONE mentos which come individually wrapped in our office meeting rooms.

That's it for now.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 16

I'm getting better at the jumpropes but still don't like to do them. I used to do them barefoot and finding it better with shoes on.

Overall weight down about 2 kilos which is not surprising given diet. I find that very encouraging. My BMI is now back in "normal" zone.

Toughest part is travel (I was in Seoul yesterday) for the food. But managing.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 11

I like most of the workout, but I have come to loathe the skipping.  For some reason, my left ankle hurts after I'm done too....  I hope to be able to replace it with a jog at some point.  Surely, there is nothing FUNDAMENTALLY better about jumprope than a jog?

I keep telling myself that I should get up earlier to do the workout, but that has been hard to conquer.  Tonight, I got the workout done around 10:30pm.  Tomorrow I have to get up early (5:30am) for an 8am flight, so no chance of getting up "earlier".  No doubt I will be doing my workout late in the evening.