Monday, September 5, 2011

Day getting long

Missed the workout today. Still doing well on the weight front: 83 to 78. Have to stay I'm losing momentum, though.


  1. Hang in there Alex - momentum is hard at this stage - you still keeping going!? With moving and unpacking it must be super tough....we were at least here before we started (although we've had boxes to sort out). One thing I've learnt though is that whilst I'll keep going until the end, I won't make a lifestyle out of this type of business!

  2. Hi Simon

    Thanks for the comment. I have been missing a lot of the workouts but generally keeping close to the diet. Have lost 6-7 kilos which I'm pleased about. The biggest issue is prioritising the workout in my life (four kids, one wife, a demanding job, lot's of travel...).

    I feel like I'm already in "maintenance" mode. I would like to lose 2 more kilos to get down to 75, a weight I have not seen in about 20 years!

    Hope things going well with you.

